Tricare Theft Protect

Provides a monetary benefit towards the purchase of a replacement vehicle if your vehicle is stolen and not recovered.

Protect Your Vehicle From Theft

The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) theft analysts suspect that many vehicles are targeted as part of a trade-based money-laundering scheme. The 20% recovery rate of stolen vehicles indicates the involvement of organized crime rings who commit auto thefts, and use the proceeds to fund criminal activities.

Thief picking a car door lock at night.

Thieves generally steal vehicles for one of three reasons:

  • To sell abroad: Stolen vehicles are often shipped abroad, where they are sold for many times their original market value.
  • To sell to unsuspecting consumers: Stolen vehicles may be given a false vehicle identification number (VIN) and then sold to unsuspecting consumers. These vehicles can also be dismantled and sold for parts.
  • To commit another crime: Stolen vehicles used to commit other crimes are often recovered—abandoned and badly damaged—within 48 hours of their theft.

Prevent the Theft From Happening!

Tricor anti-theft warning decals are placed in visible locations on your vehicle to ensure thieves recognize that it is clearly protected.

Tricor’s traceable identification codes are engraved discreetly on your vehicle, providing nearly invisible yet powerful protection.

Codes are recorded and stored in a secure database, which is accessible to law enforcement agencies in the event of a theft.

Thieves Avoid Vehicles That Are Traceable

Replacing the etched components of the vehicle is too time-consuming and too expensive to be profitable.

BUT if your vehicle is stolen:

A Benefit of $5,000

This benefit is paid towards the purchase of a replacement vehicle or goods and services offered by the issuing dealer should your vehicle be stolen and not recovered in 30 days, or if the vehicle is recovered but is damaged to the extent it is determined to be a total loss.

Deductible Benefit

In the event your vehicle is stolen and recovered in a damaged condition but is not a total loss, you will be entitled to a benefit of up to $2,500 to be paid towards your comprehensive insurance deductible.

Reimbursed for Actual Expenses

If you are travelling more than 150 kilometres from your home and your vehicle is stolen, you will be reimbursed for actual receipted expenses as follows:

  • $50 per day for substitute transportation for a maximum of 20 days
  • $80 per day for room and board for a maximum of 5 days

Transportation Reimbursement

If your vehicle is stolen more than 750 kilometres from your home, you will be entitled to reimbursement for one-way transportation of up to $600.

Please ask your Tricor dealer for full program and contract details regarding qualifications, conditions, requirements and coverage.

Tricare Theft Protect is fully insured by licensed Canadian insurance companies.